Think about it. No really, really think about it.

How could a wooden boat (handmade even) possibly hold two of every creature on the planet with enough food and supplies for forty days and nights and stay afloat?

How did they load them on without complete chaos, and who was steering the boat? And how did they keep the lions from eating the goats, or the elephants from stampeding?

Where did they keep the fresh water and all the buckets? Who cleaned up all the poop?

Do you expect me to believe no one got sick, or not one of a pair died or fell overboard? Because if that had been the case, the entire concept of two by two would have been pointless. A lonely giraffe could have had sex with a buffalo, but than what kind of animal would the offspring be?

With all due respect, I realize many people believe what was written, but it just doesn’t sound right to me. There’s too much of our past we don’t know, but I have my own theory.

I believe in evolution, yet life had to evolve from something. Our physical bodies are too well designed to suddenly materialize without some kind of predetermined design. There has to be an intelligent force that created those designs for every living creature. This intelligent force, whoever or whatever they may be, is present in every delicate butterfly, fierce lion, and ourselves.

So let’s say there was a flood for arguments sake, and life on earth was at risk. I believe it’s possible this intelligent being gathered our DNA and took it all into outer space, to where perhaps we all originally came.

And when the flood subsided, the DNA was returned to earth and resurrected into life as it was before.

I know, it all sounds far fetched and like a science fiction movie. But unless someone can show me how two of every single species was not only caught but shoved onto a handmade wooden boat, I think my theory makes more sense.

Life on earth is too perfect to have evolved by chance. I believe there were intelligent civilizations thousands of years before us, with knowledge far surpassing our own.

But if so, where did they go, and why did they dissappear?

I think they left an overpopulated earth to create new homes in distant galaxies. Who’s to say that UFO’S are merely our own relatives revisting their old home?

Crazy, huh? Who knows?

But whatever happened during that flood, no way was there a boat.

I believe one day another world wide crisis will occur, and where will we all go then?

As Elon Musk himself predicts, our only option will be outer space.